The award-winning King Richard III Visitor Centre in Leicester are passionate about educating their audience about the incredible story of the ‘King Under the Car Park’ and the murder, mystery and mayhem surrounding it.

We were asked to design, produce and install a new exhibition, which allowed visitors to delve deeper into the Wars of The Roses and discover the stories behind the Houses of York and Lancaster, the key characters, battles and events.

“Murder, Mystery and Mayhem”, provides a highly visual introduction to the tumultuous times that surrounded King Richard III as he rose to power. Setting the scene for the rest of the award-winning attraction

Our in-house illustrators created highly detailed, historically acurate portrait recreations to further bring the story to life. Referencing old paintings, to build a clear picture of who these people were, or at least how they wanted to be portrayed as.
We then produced an oversized house of cards to create a centre piece, representing the fragile and volatile state of the country during the Middle Ages.

We added further detail to the story, working with local fabricators to create historically accurate replica weapons and armour. Helping to bring even more drama and context to engrose visitors in the tumultuous story.

The exhibition was initially intended to be a temporary fixture, however due to how well it was received by the public it remains a permanent part of the experience.
We were also selected to be included in the ‘Antalis Interior Design Award’ book for our use of materials. We used an innovative material that gives a fabric texture to the print surface, which fit perfectly with the exhibition’s theme. The quality of the materials used is evident, as the exhibit looks as fresh today as the day it was installed.